Another Round of Goals

Another Round of Goals

For two years I have faithfully kept up this blog, which was at one point a resolution on its own.  Now, what was once a goal has now become a therapeutic ritual that keeps me tuned into the events of my life so that I can document and reflect upon how they have...
mobile bird man storm suit

mobile bird man storm suit

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Savour The Moment

Savour The Moment

It is no secret that I, Phil Bean, am a fan of Christmas and the whole holiday season.  I enjoy the sights, the sounds, the smells, and all the feels that come along with this time of year.  Bring me snow, bring me egg nog and, yes, you can even bring me Mariah Carey...

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How The Dad Loved Christmas

How The Dad Loved Christmas

Every Bean down in Beanville liked Christmas a lot Especially their Dad, for a Grinch, he was not! Their Dad adored Christmas! The whole Christmas season! Why, you might ask? Well, for plenty-good reason. It could be, perhaps, how the lights looked at night. It could...