To Mom, one year later

May 14, 2023

One year ago today marks an entry that was voiced by two wonderful daughters, inspired by one remarkable woman.  It painted a picture of our life at the moment and the feelings and experiences they had in direct relation to their inspiring matriarch.  They were words of love, kindness, and truth, as they strung together their developing experiences and early memories into descriptors in a way that only a child of innocence could do.  Well, given the markings on our calendar today, it seemed only suiting that, 365-days later, the long anticipated sequel to their thoughts saw the light of day.

The words that follow are in part my own, but the credit truly belongs to Nora and Audrey, who have been eagerly looking forward to May 14, 2023, almost to the extent that they anticipate Christmas or Easter.  This day; a day to recognize a figure more magical, more skillful, more nimble and unquestionably more capable of multitasking infinite duties and impossible timelines than Santa and the Easter Bunny combined, this is a day to celebrate their Mom.

My mom is

A kind and nice person
Just the best
So very beautiful
So funny
Really good at so many things
Funny.  She is actually the funniest in our family; well at least she’s as funny as Dad

I am grateful for my mom because she:

Lets us watch stuff
Gives us food, like treats, ice cream, noodles, bread, pasta, and pizza
Taught me to play road hockey
Brushes our hair while we watch TV
Jumps on the trampoline with us
Makes us delicious food
she is, like, the funniest
Buys stuff for us, things like food, shirts, toys, lego, headbands, costumes, clothes, babysitters, butter, and drinks


With my mom I like to:

Play games, like Five Crowns, of course
Bounce on the trampoline
Play hopscotch
Play restaurant
Go on adventures and find clues about germs.  Well, germs and gems
Have morning snuggles
Go running
Go for walks
Get liquorice from Gran’s house
Crafting things together
Colour pictures
Read books, my favourite book so far is The Land of Flowers


From Nora

I love you and I hope you have a good Mother’s Day.  I am looking forward to our manicure pedicure together, without that funny old dad whose hair is already turning grey.

I love you


From Audrey

You are nice. You are kind.  You are pretty and you do cool things. I love you and you are really cool and you pick nice flowers.  You’re really funny and silly and I just love you and you’re the best.

From Both

She is our Mom. She is a hero.




Now then, I could not let this day pass without a few words to my own Mom…

My Mom Is:

Full of love for her family
A great gift seeker
A teacher
An amazing and loving Grandma

I am grateful for my mom because she:

Taught me to appreciate people, culture, and all of the wonderful differences that make us special and unique
She leads with love
She brought me into the kitchen, books, and encouraged me to explore the unknown
She still gives me hugs, tells me she loves me and tells me that she’s proud of me
She doesn’t just let me win at cards.  She knows there is a more valuable lesson to be learned than simply letting me win.  But still, every now and again she could take it easy on me…
Continues to try new things
Chocolate Chip Cookies

With my mom I like to:

Have conversations when we get the opportunity when there’s no chaos surrounding us
Enjoy picnics outside
Go to the park with my kids and watch generations interact
Make plans and scheme on ideas for gifts and surprises for others
Enjoy a nice meal
Play cards…mostly

From Me:

I love you and everything you do for, and with this family.  You have always been there to encourage me to be who I am, and you have never judged against my decisions, allowing me to discover for myself and through my experiences what type of person I was to become.  I hope that today and those to come, bring with it the things you want to do for you.  Whether it’s an adventure, a quiet corner with a craft, or a fancy night out on the town.  Do something for you today; every bit of you deserves it.

And so,

Today, in my humble opinion, is not only about celebrating ‘your mom’ but all Moms out there; for all that they do, most of which happens behind the scenes and below the surface and we can easily take for granted.  It’s a day that likely brings along gifts of flowers, mimosas, spa treatments and home-made cards, all of these things deserving and special.  To all of you Moms out there, young, old, and soon to be: thank you.

Happy Mother’s Day



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