Would you Rather

Mar 31, 2024

Who doesn’t love a good ‘car game’ to pass the time?  From twenty questions and the picnic game, to the alphabet game, every other word stories, and, of course, the always classic eye spy; in our family word games, observation games, and games the entice conversation are a hit, even without a long car ride.  While I can certainly hit capacity with my tolerance for how long we play them for, I do generally enjoy the creative exercise with my kids.  They are genuinely funny humans; causing me to laugh out loud at multiple opportunities.

One game in particular has taken over lately, however, likely the result of a recent library discovery – a book called Would You Rather: Campfire Edition.  Now, I am sure we’ve all, at one point in our lives, found ourselves engrossed in the enthralling game of ‘Would you Rather”.  Be it at camp, school, work, or dinner parties, the game is perfectly designed to get you thinking in creative and often comical ways.  What I particularly enjoy about it is that the creativity doesn’t just come from the answers, but perhaps even more so from the questions themselves.  Whether or not you have a designated category or subject matter, the process of formulating questions to make your fellow players think can be quite engaging.  Of course, with the kids, our objectives tend to be less philosophical in nature, but we do still try to challenge ourselves with coming up with something clever, and we always must backup our answers with a reason.   Not that there is a “right” or “wrong” answer to any particular question, but it does help to stimulate the conversation.

And with that, I of course have a list of questions to share, posed and answered by my children over the course of the past week and on no particular occasion.  I don’t know where the inspiration for these questions came from, but I  hope that in sharing with your own family, you can have a few laughs of your own.

Would you Rather:

Set up your camp in the dark or in the rain?

In the dark, because even though you don’t think so, I am made of pure sugar and I will actually melt and die.

Be The Flash or be The Hulk

The Flash, because you could go play in the park across the street and still be able to see if a line is forming at the ice cream shop and as soon as there is then you could get to the front to the line super quick.

Run on water or run on air?

Run on water, because then we could find a campsite so much faster in Algonquin and then Dad could just bring our stuff in the canoe on his own.

Be Ariel and breath underwater or be Elsa and freeze things?

Be Ariel, because you could turn into a mermaid in the pool and people would think you have a really cool bathing suit.

Talk to Kangaroos or talk to snakes?

Kangaroos, because they seem like they’d have better personalities and more interesting things to say.


But snakes would be good too because you could ask them to stop hurting people, even if I don’t know them.  And also when they have that reptile petting zoo thing at the farmers market I could ask them to be nice to me.

Okay, so would you rather talk to king cobras or rattle snakes?

King cobras, for sure. They are way more dangerous and need a good talking to.

Live at Disney, or Live at Great Wolf Lodge?

Live at Great Wolf Lodge, because I could go to the water park literally any time I want to.  Plus, I plan for you to live at Disney, so I can just come visit you whenever I want, and you could do the same.

No internet for a year or no music for a year?

No music, because, music comes from the internet anyway, and I literally just couldn’t live going a year without Taylor Swift

So there you have it, a few little insights to the minds of a 7 and 8 year old.  It is an interesting exercise to not only hear where the priorities lie, but to also gain some insights into what they subjects they must chat about on the playground and with their friends.

Have fun, my friends, and Happy Easter!






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